Helm Charts
K3D is the tool choose to have a local kubernetes development cluster.
Install K3D with the next command :
curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/k3d-io/k3d/main/install.sh | bash
Create a development cluster
Use the following kind of configuration file of k3d to deploy a cluster.
k3d/cluster.yaml | |
1 |
The default domain used by the development cluster is znuny-dev-cluster.
Ensure to add it at the local name resolution in the file /etc/hosts :
/etc/hosts | |
1 |
Create the cluster :
k3d cluster create -c ./k3d/cluster.yaml
Delete cluster :
k3d cluster delete znuny-dev-cluster
Create templates to check compliance of deployed resources from the project root :
helm template znuny ./helm