
All the functions provided by the docker image are fully configurable when the container is created, using environment variables.

Environment variables availables:

Name Description Default
ZNUNY_TIMEZONE The service timezone. Etc/UTC
ZNUNY_LOG_PATH The log file path. None
ZNUNY_SECURE_MODE Enable or not the secure mode. 1
ZNUNY_DATABASE_HOST The database host. localhost
ZNUNY_DATABASE_PORT The database port. 5432
ZNUNY_DATABASE_NAME The database name. znuny
ZNUNY_DATABASE_USER The database user. znuny
ZNUNY_DATABASE_PASSWORD The database password. password
ZNUNY_USER_ADMIN_NAME The admin user name. root@localhost
ZNUNY_USER_ADMIN_PASSWORD The admin user password. password
ZNUNY_MAILING_TYPE The mailing type. sendmail
ZNUNY_MAILING_HOST The mailing host. None
ZNUNY_MAILING_PORT The mailing port. None
ZNUNY_MAILING_USER The mailing user. None
ZNUNY_MAILING_PASSWORD The mailing password. None
ZNUNY_APACHE_DOMAIN The application domain. default
ZNUNY_APACHE_REWRITE_RULES A custom rewrite rule. None
ZNUNY_AUTHENTICATIONS_BACKENDS Users authentication settings. None
ZNUNY_ADDONS List of application extensions to add. None
ZNUNY_CONFIGURATIONS_OVERRIDES_DIRECTORY Directory path of custom configurations overrides. /overrides
ZNUNY_HEALTHSTATUS_APIKEY Api key to use with the plugin healthstatus. Need to be defined if the plugin is installed. None
ZNUNY_SETTINGS_FILE Full content of the configuration file. if defined, all other environment variable becomes useless. None